Players can still claim their 2018 Chainmonsters

Players who played the initial version of Chainmonsters three years ago on the Ethereum blockchain can now claim the same Gen-0 chains on the Flow blockchain. B-side games he posted this on his. However, they warn that the process is not that simple, since the rules are “specific”.

If you’ve been playing the Chainmonsters demo in the past, you might have a few Chainmons to claim. re are three requirements that determine eligibility. If you want to read this guide the official website, so this is also an option, of course.

  • NFT chainmon must be in block number 8606493.
  • It must be at an Ethereum address, keeping it on the block mentioned above.
  • chainmon must have the “isTradeable” indicator shown as “true”

Now what does this mean in detail? Follow these steps:

  1. To find out if your old chains are eligible, you need to check your old Ethereum contract and then click ‘read contract’.
  2. n go to number 15 in the “tokensofowner” list and enter the Ethereum wallet address there.
  3. You will see some data and then the ownerTokens uint256 []: XXX. That XXX is a number, a unique token ID for your chainmon. If you have multiple strings, multiple numbers will be displayed.
  4. For each of these token IDs, you need to go to number 4, “isTradeable”, enter the ID, and wait for the query to respond with “true”.
  5. All strings that respond with “true” can be moved from Ethereum to Flow.

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Now you know which chains you can claim from the old 2018 version of Chainmonsters to the new version on the Flow blockchain.

How to transfer Chainmonsters from Ethereum to Flow

  1. Go to the message MyCrypto Sign website
  2. Unlock and access your Metamask, make sure you are on the Ethereum blockchain
  3. On the Sign Message website, you need to fill in the Flow wallet address. ONLY your flow direction.
  4. Click on “Sign message” and confirm your signature in Metamask
  5. Sign Message page will generate a signature (a lot of code)
  6. Copy ALL CODE (CTRL + A, followed by CTRL + C)
  7. Complete this form, paste your signature, send and the games on side B will do the rest.

What is Chainmonsters?

Chainmonsters is an online multiplayer role-playing game inspired by classic games like Legend of Zelda and Pokémon. However, the players will compete with each other. Each player is an agent who works in a corporation. re is a mysterious disease that makes all creatures more aggressive and there is a strange crystal in the world. Guess who has to find out? But can players trust the corporation? Who knows.

Players must acquire all kinds of little monsters. Some of them can only be found in certain regions, others only for a limited time. se monsters come from different unsurts, nine in total. se are usually home to a particular island or region: pyrotechnics, hydro, nature, electro, air, cryo, ice, and crystal.

Each of these monkeys has several basic attributes: Health Points (HP), Attack, Defense, Elemental Attack, Elemental Defense, Speed, and Stamina Points (SP). Also, each monkey has individual values ​​for each stat, which means that monkeys can have different stats even though they look the same.

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In addition there are traits. Each monster has up to two traits. Most of them start with one and will learn a second as they level up. For example, Arcane Intellect increases critical strike chance, while haste increases speed gain to a higher level. re are also traits that increase attack power, while others decrease certain stats.

Battles in Chainmonsters are turn based. While classic monster capture games offer one-on-one battles, Chainmonsters offers us 2-on-2. This allows players to chain and combine attacks, creating strong unsurtal reactions.

Immediately upon launch, the game will feature a season pass with timed events and exclusive event content. game runs on the Flow blockchain, allowing easy on-boarding for users unfamiliar with blockchain technology.

Players won’t even notice that blockchain technology exists. However, once they get deep into the game they will be able to claim their wallet and everything they have collected. Players can save, sell, or trade all of their items on an open peer-to-peer market, such as Viv3 or the Chainmonsters Market.


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