Complete Guide 0xUniverse Game. What is it and how to play?

In this article we will talk about 0xUniverse Game, an NFT game that we could say is close to entering the Top 25 of the best NFT games to earn money and today on this website we are going to give you the complete guide to 0xUniverse so that you learn to play now earn money by gambling.

What is 0xUniverse?

0xUniverse is the next generation blockchain game where players can build spaceships, explore the galaxy, and colonize planets. discoverers will mine resources and conduct research that will allow them to conquer the deepest corners of the galaxy. Additionally, players can jointly contribute to the story and unravel the mystery of the universe.


0xUniverse works with the Ethereum blockchain. This technology guarantees you unquestionable ownership of the planets you have conquered, even if the developers are hit by a meteorite.


With a finite number of planets to discover, the value of the richest in resources and population will increase over time. Enjoy the benefits of your galactic investments while you play!


Each planet is a digital collectible with a unique design and assets. Discover the four types: common, rare, epic and legendary planets. latter will surprise you with their fantastic presentation and special stories.


Along the way, players will find artifacts that belonged to ancient civilizations. Sharing this alien knowledge with each other will allow players to jointly discover an exciting story that explains the origins of life itself.


You should buy one planet (better yet, several). After that, you will be able to build spaceships and discover new planets. Sell ​​part of the planets you found and keep the rest to increase their value. You may be lucky enough to discover one of the legendary planets, they are extremely expensive! Keep in mind that planets are normally in high demand as their number is limited and players always need different resources. Selling planets is just one way! Start playing and learn more different options to make a profit.

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