Walking Dead Land for Sandbox Gone in 30 Seconds

After their first round of highly successful land sales with Walking Dead, Sandbox followed up with a second sale today. Completely sold out in 30 seconds, the Sandbox land sales proved once again to be a hotly contested event.

Sandbox saw land sales rise faster and this one with Walking Dead made no difference. It was the second of every four waves, and this one had 502 parcels for sale with also 95 premium lots.

Along with the premium parcels, users who bought today also received NFT Walking Dead with a special theme. Hikers, survivors, Glenn, and even a church were about to catch up. Since this is NFT, owners can sell them on the official Sandbox market or secondary markets. So even if you wasted your time choosing your favorite character, you can still find one for sale.

cryptoshitcompra.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/-Walking-Dead-Land-para–Sandbox-Gone-in-30.gif »class =» lazyload »/> Glenn NFT for Sanbox

For heavy consumers, sifates of all sizes are still ready. auction on OpenSea and will run until 13:00 UTC on September 3. Farm sizes vary from small (3 × 3 plots) to large (12 × 12). All offers must be offered on AREA.

For everyone else two more Walking Dead were couples Sales are scheduled for this month. Each sale includes rare, epic and legendary NFT specials that are unique to each wave. We saw Rick Grimes available on the first wave and Glenn on the second. So expect to see more of your favorite characters along with storylines. However, you will need to be quick with the selection and approval of your purchase. Demand for parcels in Sandbox shows no signs of slowing down.

Also read 10 games to earn money in August 2021

What is Sandbox?

Sandbox is one of the blockchain-powered virtual worlds currently under development. virtual world of Sandbox is made up of lands and voxels fill each of those lands. It will visually remind many players of Minecraft, as both games have this Lego-inspired look. However, players can purchase virtual land and implement any form of monetization. se virtual lands can be turned into mini-games, adventures, virtual stores, extensions of real web stores, a space for social gatherings, and more.

Sandbox offers free tools for developers, gamers, and content creators. Creators can use VoxEdit to make objects. Furthermore, Game Maker allows users to create interactivity on their virtual land. Sandbox will also create a meta gaming experience. Players can, for example, do daily missions or weekly missions for their alliance. This will earn SAND players, which they can sell or use to buy in-game items or virtual terrain.

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Phil Hall has been a gaming enthusiast since birth and a crypto enthusiast since 2017. Enjoy new discoveries and share them with others through blogs and photos. You can follow him on or read his other articles on Medium.

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