Soccer Doge Club: an NFT project with interplanetary objectives

Soccer Doge Club is a new NFT project that combines cryptocurrencies and soccer. platform aims to expand the use and value of NFT by attracting sports fans. Above all, it proposes a fun and light version of the Dogecoin project. Its developers plan to capitalize on the popularity of the Doge meme. Furthermore, they believe that the exponential growth potential of the non-fungible token market will help. After all, both sectors have seen considerable growth in the last two years. As part of the project strategy, the developers intend to organize a soccer match on Mars in 2035. To demonstrate their serious intentions, they even invited Elon Musk to participate in the event. famous Dogecoin Supporter has often expressed his ambition to put humans on Mars by then.

How does Soccer Doge Club work?

Take advantage of the security and stability of the Ethereum blockchain. This PoW network has been in operation for years. Meanwhile, it has proven to be a secure peer-to-peer payment system. Furthermore, the platform uses NFTs generated by an advanced algorithm powered by Ethereum smart Contracts. Users join the Soccer Doge Club by purchasing NFT from the Doge Club. se tokens give them access to all the features and services of the platform. Users can buy, sell or trade these collectibles. In particular, each Soccer Doge NFT appears algorithmically combining more than 100 different rare attributes from 10 categories. se ten categories include skin, bottom, eyes, mouth, nose, shirt, hat, earrings, necklace, and beard. trait a Soccer Doge possesses determines its general scarcity. This strategy extends the concept of Cryptokitties that helped launch the NFT revolution. Soccer Doge adds more variety to the equation, allowing the network to produce more rare and exclusive tokens.

What advantages does the Soccer Doge Club bring to the market?

Soccer Doge Club should be advantageous to the NFT market. For one thing, the developers built it from the ground to make it completely transparent. Users can view all the details about their collectibles, including their scarcity, current value, core traits, and more. se statistics make it easy for collectors to make quick decisions when playing the game.

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Another great benefit for users should be the support of the community. Soccer Doge Club encompasses a vast community of users, administrators and cararators. se groups help ensure that the network is running smoothly.

y also help streamline the onboarding process for new users. Participants may not require prior blockchain experience to navigate and join Soccer Doge Club events.

Bonus gifts

Soccer Doge Club NFT holders they earn can have access to a host of bonuses and rewards. For example, when 50% of Soccer Doge is sold, all coin holders should receive a rare surprise gift. This strategy coincides with the Soccer Doge Club’s desire to create a united and participatory community around the project.

Liquidity fund

Soccer Doge Club’s liquidity pool function should be opened following the distribution of Soccer Doge tokens. This liquidity pool opens the door to more ROI opportunities. Users can deposit their NFTs and secure low-risk passive rewards. Additionally, the liquidity pool enables NFT holders to earn rewards without giving up ownership of their rare digital assets.


Soccer Doge Club platform operates on the Ethereum blockchain. As such, it enjoys the security and interoperability of the world’s largest DApp ecosystem. Soccer Doge Club holders can store their collectibles in any Ethereum-compatible wallet. y can also trade their tokens on an excellent selection of DEX, including Open Sea and Rarible. This interoperability improves the user experience and brings more liquidity to the project.

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Soccer Doge Club Features

Soccer Doge Club consists of characteristics that make it unique. protocol should create and send custom Doge NFTs to users upon joining the platform. In total, there are 10,000 unique NFTs. developers generated these digital assets through a proprietary Ethereum-based algorithm in July 2021.

Football bulldog

This token fulfills multiple functions within the network. On the one hand, users must have at least one of these NFTs to interact with the services and functions of the platform. y can trade, bet and sell NFT as they please. In particular, all members who have two Soccer Doge Club NFTs will receive a rare NFT. According to the developers, this will happen during the launch of their second project in September.

Community governance

Soccer Doge Club is a community-led project. network incorporates a governance mechanism that allows NFT holders to vote on urgent updates and changes to the network. Voting procedures Let regular users determine the story. In addition, it allows them to decide on other vital aspects. developments like fees, token issues, burns, and rewards.

NFT Gaming on the rise

This club is a perfect example of how the world of NFT gaming is heating up. first quarter of 2021 saw a $ 2 billion increase in sales according to’s quarterly report. More NFT Gaming platforms exist now than ever. Each of these networks provides something unique to the entire NFT Ecosystem. Doge Soccer Club brings some new concepts to the market that could help you stand out from the competition. network incorporates multiple trending themes to create a fun user experience. Participants can earn rewards and expand their NFT collections. More importantly, they have a good chance of participating in a virtual soccer game on Mars with Elon Musk. Even if users may never reach the “red planet,” their tokens may reach the moon one day.

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