Ryoshi´s Vision Coin ($ RYOSHI) Token. What is it and how to buy?

In this article we will talk about Rysohi’s Vision (RYOSHI) Token, a new shitcoin of the Ethereum network that bears the name of the creator of Shiba and the truth can go up a lot if it is related to Shiba Inu.

Vision of Ryoshi Coin (TOKEN)

nu hy bf iq nv rt ru rv rw rx it ev »data-selectable-paragraph =» »> Hello, you can call me Wifey, no, I am not Ryoshi, unless you consider that we are all Ryoshi, in which case I AM Ryoshi.

I’m here to introduce you to Ryoshi-San’s original and true vision as they originally intended it to happen. central thesis of this vision is that there is a sample of the people, for the people, that can lead the community to excellence. For this experiment, I present RYOSHI’S VISION or we can call it $ RYOSHI to see what happens.

FIND US ON TELEGRAM: https://t.me/RyoshisVision

All the things that desc R OIE can be verified in the blockchain contract so don’t take my word on these things, please verify for yourself to see that this is truly a decentralized community token that allows us to flower in our excellence.

1- Supply is the same as the original Shiba Supply. This is the maximum supply allowed by Vitalik on the Ethereum Blockchain.

2-50% of supply is burned as usual, but we don’t burn Vitalik or any entity (not even Ryoshi-san), actually we burn Shiba’s contract wallet at 0x95aD61b0a150d79219dCF64E1E6Cc01f0B64C4cE the blockchain researcher can tell you this address is unrecoverable, so we can consider it really burned

3- We have programmed a “burn” on each transaction, so every time you buy, sell or transfer, 1% of that transfer will be burned in the Shiba contract wallet forever and eternity.

We have also scheduled each transfer to send 1% of the tokens to all users who have buried SHIB on ShibaSwap!

What this means is that you support RYOSHI with every transfer.

But also remember that if you buy or sell, you need to set your slippage to at least 2.5%. Also, WE DON’T HAVE ANY DEVELOPMENT TAX or blah blah this is a decentralized community token, a gift from Wifey, who am I to try to take your taxes off you? I am not important.

4 – True to the commoner nature that we are, RYOSHI has built in protection against bots. Which means that the bot cannot buy and sell on the same block. What does this mean? It means that sandwiching is not easy. Also, all buy and sell contracts are disabled, maybe this makes it difficult for the contract to arbitrate as well as blocking other weird functions, but that gives the mob a job to balance things out.

5 – True to the VISION of RYOSHI, we implement in SHIBA SWAP and we burn forever all the liquidity Token

6 – rest is up to you, we bring you the immutable and decentralized playing field of VISION by RYOSHI. No, we don’t do a telegram, but maybe the community will, no, we don’t roadmap, but maybe the community will. This is to see what happens when you hold the ball.

Ryoshi Token Information

> We are rewarding users that have buried SHIB on ShibaSwap by redistributing 1% of every transaction to anyone holding xShib! < / p & gt; <p class = “” style = “white-space: pre-wrap; “> Make sure your slippage is set to at least 2% to ensure your transaction goes through! < / p > “,” button “: {” buttonText “:” “,” buttonLink “:” # “},” imageId “:” 60f712c6eebc486acef7d581 “,” mediaFocalPoint “: {” x “: 0.5,” y “: 0.5}, “image”: {“id”: “60f712c6eebc486acef7d581”, “recordType”: 2, “addedOn”: 1626804934259, “updatedOn”: 1626804942337, “workflowState”: 1, “publishOn”: 1626804934259, “authorId6ab95”: “60b96ab0ab95” , “systemDataId”: “1626804935078-S2SB2YC9Y6MXWHFXHH5Z”, “systemDataVariants”: “1394 × 964,100w, 300w, 500w, 750w, 1000w”, “systemDataSourceType”: “PNG”, “filename “-20:” Screen Shot 2021-07-20 at 12.13.28.png “,” mediaFocalPoint “: {” x “: 0.5,” y “: 0.5,” source “: 3},” colorData “: {” topLeftAverage “:” 1c1b23 “,” topRightAverage “:” 1c1b23 “,” bottomLeftAverage “:” 1c1b23 “,” bottomRightAverage “:” 1c1b23 “,” centerAverage “:” 9a7643 “,” suggestedBgColor “:” 1c1b23 “},” urlId “:” 2qufd32b6nvtf6gqjm68 “title” , “body”: nu ll, “likeCount”: 0, “commentCount”: 0, “publicCommentCount”: 0, “commentState”: 2, “unsaved”: false, “author”: {“id”: “60f690a951b96a0c6ab03b37”, “displayName”: ” Neo Wifano “,” firstName “:” Neo “,” lastName “:” Wifano “,” bio “:” “},” assetUrl “:” https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/60f690ab23502370515f8fc6 /1626804935078-S2SB2YC9Y6MXWHFXHH5Z/Screen+Shot+2021-07-20+at+12.13.28.png “,” contentType “:” image / png “,” items “: [],” pushedServices “: {},” pendingPushedServices “: {},” recordTypeLabel “:” image “,” originalSize “:” 1394 × 964 “}}, {” title “:” No bots. “,” description “:” <p class = “” style = “white-space: pre-wrap; “> We say NO to bots! Sandwich bots add nothing to our community, they drain funds from our members, and they must be stopped. < / P> <p class = “” style = “white-space: pre-wrap; “> We have written code to prevent sandwiching, and to prevent automated contracts from buying or selling our tokens! < / p> “,” button “: {” buttonText “:” “},” imageId “:” 60f7129937444e6dab8185ab “,” mediaFocalPoint ” : {“x”: 0.5, “y”: 0.5}, “image”: {“id”: “60f7129937444e6dab8185ab”, “recordType”: 2, “addedOn”: 1626804889123, “updatedOn”: 1626804898092, “workflowState”: 1, “publishOn”: 1626804889123, “authorId”: “60f690a951b96a0c6ab03b37”, “systemDataId”: “1626804891305-72QB26DBJXS672P8LO2D”, “systemDataVariants”: “1274 × 1276,100w”, systemDaypeTypeS “, 750w, 750wtaw,” 500DaypeTaypeS, “750wtaw,” 500DaypeTaw, “750wtaw, 500wtaw, 750w,” systemDataVariants “, “PNG”, “filename”: “Screen Shot 2021-07-20 at 11.48.10.png”, “mediaFocalPoint”: {“x”: 0.5, “y”: 0.5, “source”: 3}, “colorData “: {” topLeftAverage “:” ffffff “,” topRightAverage “:” ffffff “,” bottomLeftAverage “:” ffffff “,” bottomRightAverage “:” ffffff “,” centerAverage “:” 3f3f3f “,” suggestedBgColor “:” ffffff “},” urlId “:” ev7sdawoongswxmdhwh89hgv0kwm7j “,” title “:” “,” body “: null,” likeCount “: 0,” commentCount “: 0,” publicCommentCount “: 0,” commentState “: 2,” unsaved “: false,” author “: {” id “:” 60f690a951b96a0c6ab03b37 “,” displayName “:” Neo Wifano “,” firstName “:” Neo “,” lastName “: “Wifano”, “bio”: “”}, “assetUrl”: “https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/60f690ab23502370515f8fc6/1626804891305-72QB26DBJXS672P8LO2D/Screen+Shot+2021-07-20+at + 11.48.10.png “,” contentType “:” image / png “,” items “: [],” pushedServices “: {},” pendingPushedServices “: {},” recordTypeLabel “:” image “,” originalSize ” : “1274 × 1276”}}, {“title”: “Burning all the time.”, “Description”: “<p class = ” “style = ” white-space: pre-wrap; “> Shiba community begs for a burn every day! < / P> <p class = “” style = “white-space: pre-wrap; “> We heard your call and made this token burn 1% of every transaction to the Shiba Token contract address forever! This makes your tokens more rare, and more valuable. < / P> <p class = “” style = “white-space: pre-wrap; “> Enjoy more money! < / P> “, “button”: {“buttonText”: “”}, “imageId”: “60f7106d5f56992d207aba9f”, “mediaFocalPoint”: {“x”: 0.5, “y”: 0.5}, “image”: {“id”: “60f7106d5f56992d207aba9f “,” recordType “: 2,” addedOn “: 1626804333206,” updatedOn “: 1626804336439,” workflowState “: 1,” publishOn “: 1626804333206,” authorId “:” 60f690a951b96a0c6ab03Cb37 “,” systemDataV5680439 “,” systemDataF8338374 ” “systemDataVariants”: “1280 × 720,100w, 300w, 500w, 750w, 1000w”, “systemDataSourceType”: “JPG”, “filename”: “1_yEWEr7VTsD9_whAz9iF_9w.jpg”, “mediaFocalPoint”: {“x”: 0.5, “y “: 0.5,” source “: 3},” colorData “: {” topLeftAverage “:” 010000 “,” topRightAverage “:” 090100 “,” bottomLeftAverage “:” 948d80 “,” bottomRightAverage “:” 907c5e “,” centerAverage “:” dc9046 “,” suggestedBgColor “:” 010101 “},” urlId “:” bg8y9c4f3tv37pdz43hp5u63x59t8i “,” title “:” “,” body “: null,” likeCount “: 0,” commentCount “: 0,” publicCom mentCount “: 0,” commentState “: 2,” unsaved “: false,” author “: {” id “:” 60f690a951b96a0c6ab03b37 “,” displayName “:” Neo Wifano “,” firstName “:” Neo “,” lastName ” : “Wifano”, “bio”: “”}, “assetUrl”: “https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/60f690ab23502370515f8fc6/1626804333505-O3A563CU37S8FTS56V8M/1_yEWEr7VTsjpg” content ” image / jpeg “,” items “: [],” pushedServices “: {},” pendingPushedServices “: {},” recordTypeLabel “:” image “,” originalSize “:” 1280 × 720 “}}],” styles ” : {“imageFocalPoint”: {“x”: 0.5, “y”: 0.5}, “imageOverlayOpacity”: 0.3, “backgroundColor”: “white”, “sectionme”: “white”, “imageEffect”: “none”, “backgroundMode”: “image”, “background”: null}, “video”: {“filter”: 1}, “backgroundFocalPoint”: null, “backgroundId”: null, “options”: {“maxColumns”: 3, “isCardEnabled”: false, “isMediaEnabled”: true, “isTitleEnabled”: true, “isBodyEnabled”: true, “isButtonEnabled”: true, “mediaAspectRatio”: “4: 3”, “layoutWidth”: “full”, “mediaWid th “: {” value “: 100,” unit “:”% “},” mediaAlignment “:” left “,” contentWidth “: {” value “: 100,” unit “:”% “},” titleAlignment ” : “left”, “bodyAlignment”: “left”, “buttonAlignment”: “left”, “titlePlacement”: “center”, “bodyPlacement”: “center”, “buttonPlacement”: “center”, “cardVerticalAlignment”: ” top “,” contentOrder “:” media-first “,” verticalPaddingTop “: {” value “: 10,” unit “:” vmax “},” verticalPaddingBottom “: {” value “: 10,” unit “:” vmax “},” spaceBetweenColumns “: {” value “: 60,” unit “:” px “},” spaceBetweenRows “: {” value “: 60,” unit “:” px “},” spaceBetweenContentAndMedia “: {” value “: 6,” unit “:”% “},” spaceBelowTitle “: {” value “: 6,” unit “:”% “},” spaceBelowBody “: {” value “: 6,” unit “:”% “},” cardPaddingTop “: {” value “: 20,” unit “:” px “},” cardPaddingRight “: {” value “: 20,” unit “:” px “},” cardPaddingBottom “: {” value “: 20,” unit “:” px “},” cardPaddingLeft “: {” value “: 20,” unit “:” px “},” titleFontSize “:” heading-2 “,” bodyFontSize “:” paragraph- 2 “,” buttonFontSize “:” button-medi um “,” customOptions “: {” customTitleFontSize “: {” value “: 1.2,” unit “:” rem “},” customBodyFontSize “: {” value “: 0.9,” unit “:” rem “},” customButtonFontSize “: {” value “: 0.8,” unit “:” rem “}}},” layout “:” simple “,” isSectionTitleEnabled “: true,” sectionTitle “:” <p class = “” style = “white-space: pre-wrap; “> Okay, so how? < / p> “,” spaceBelowSectionTitle “: {” value “: 70,” unit “:” px “},” sectionTitleAlignment “:” left “,” isSectionButtonEnabled “: false,” sectionButton “: {” buttonText “:” Make It “,” buttonLink “:” # “,” buttonNewWindow “: false},” sectionButtonSize “:” large “,” sectionButtonAlignment “:” left “,” spaceAboveSectionButton “: {” value “: 70,” unit “:” px “}}» data-media-alignment = »left» data-title-alignment = »left» data-body-alignment = »left »Data-button-alignment =» left »data-title-placement =» center »data-body-placement =» center »data-button-placement =» center »data-layout-width =» full »data-title- font-unit = »rem» data-description-font-unit = »rem» data-button-font-unit = »rem» data-controllers -bound = »UserItemsListSimple»>

• Reward xShiba.

We are rewarding users who have buried SHIB on ShibaSwap by redistributing 1% of each transaction to anyone with xShib!

Make sure your slippage is set to at least 2% to ensure your transaction goes through correctly!

• No bots.

We say NO to bots! Sandwich bots add nothing to our community, they drain our members’ funds and must stop.

We have written code to prevent pairing and to prevent automated contracts from buying or selling our tokens!

• Burning all the time.

Shiba community prays for a burn every day!

We heard your call and made this token burn 1% of each transaction in the direction of the Shiba Token contract forever! This makes your tokens rarer and more valuable.

Enjoy more money!

We’ve seen all kinds of carpet pulls and crashes.

We hate the idea of ​​doggo investors losing money to bad actors.

So this is what we have done:

All LP chips burned!

carpet pulls come from the bad actors who implement and then extract cash, along with everything that has been invested.

We have burned all of our LP tokens and they will never be recovered, so you can be sure that this token is locked, loaded, and only going up.

Half of the supply burned out!

Just as Ryoshi burned 50% of the supply to Vitalik Buterin, we have burned 50% of our supply to Shiba’s contract address.

When Vitalik sold his tokens, the price plummeted. But in our case, this supply will never recover, so there is no chance of a billionaire crashing into our market.

How to buy Ryoshi´s Vision Coin ($ RYOSHI) Token?

FIRST STEP TO BUY Ryoshi´s Vision Coin ($ RYOSHI) Token

  • To buy Ryoshi’s Vision Coin ($ RYOSHI) Token you have to buy it through the ETH network and then go to uniswap and buy it. To buy ETH we have to buy it through BINANCE, the best exchange in the world, once registered and verified, we will go to buy crypto, we put the currency that we are going to use to buy the ETH and the amount and we give it to buy, as and as you will see in the following image.


SECOND STEP TO BUY Ryoshi´s Vision Coin ($ RYOSHI) Token

  • Once the eth is purchased, we have to transfer the etherum to our wallet, it can be trustwallet or metamask, which we use.
  • You can see a tutorial on how to pass eth from Binance to metamask through the ETH network to do it.
  • And a tutorial on how to create a metamask portfolio and add it to the browser.


  • First we go to our metamask portfolio and below the amount of ETH we have is the option to buy, we give it and we will jump to the following:
  • We give Wyre and once inside, we select our currency and the amount, we can also pay with Apple or with a debit or credit card.
  • and voila, we have our eth in our metamask portfolio.

THIRD STEP TO BUY Ryoshi´s Vision Coin ($ RYOSHI) Token

  • Once with our ETH we enter ShibaSwap through the following url; Shibaswap and we have to import the token, in order to operate, as we see in the following image.
  • Next we have to connect our wallet and select the amount of ETH that we want to exchange for Ryoshi’s Vision Coin ($ RYOSHI) Token and give it to exchange.

And voila, you already have it purchased.

  • I hope you liked the article and that it is helpful, any questions can leave a comment and it will be answered on the same day.

Ryoshi´s Vision Coin Price ($ RYOSHI) Live Token:

  • In the following link they have the price in direct: Price in direct


moreRead also GMR Finance GAMER ($ GMR) Token. What is it and how to buy?

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