Jigsaw coin (JIGSAW) Token. What is it, how to buy and Live price.

Jigsaw Token is a shitcoin that is based on the Binance Smart Chain network or BSC network and that is from this other token: GhostFace Token. se two tokens are having a lot of success because like Daddy Token, Hodl and Tiki Token, for holding they are giving BNB holders and this is liking a lot of people, it is also interesting to say that it is confirmed that it is not scam and that it is a serious project, therefore if you have money that you do not need you can invest in this project or in any of the aforementioned.

In this article we are going to explain everything there is to know about JIGSAW Token, what it is, how to buy, how to check its price and much more.

What is JIGSAW Token?

Jigsaw is a token that is completely decentralized and all decisions are made through a community survey. Which gives our developers a better idea of ​​how to move forward with Jigsaw. Jigsaw developer team does not have team tokens. In other words, our team has to participate in the $ Jigsaw presale together with other investors.

Token Features:

3% Automatic liquidity fund: 3% of each transaction contributes to automatically generate Jigsaw LP.

1% Redistribution: 1% of each purchase / sale is taken and redistributed to the holders.

5% $ JIGSAW BNB Reward: 5% of each purchase / sale is taken and added to the Jigsaw BNB Reward Pool


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How to buy JIGSAW Token ?

Well then I leave you a tutorial on how to buy it, you can buy it through Pancakeswap or poocoin.app, we will do it from pancakeswap and in case you don’t know, we need to have a portfolio either from trustwallet or metamask, in this case I I use metamask.

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Here you have a tutorial on how to create a portfolio in metamask: This video.

Once we have our metamask portfolio created, what we have to do is copy our address as indicated with the arrow and put it with the Binance Smart Chain network.

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To buy JIGSAW Token we are going to need BNB, which is the currency of binance, since this token works through its network. so the first thing will be to register here to enter binance and be able to buy BNB.

Next we have to go buy crypto and we have to select BNB to buy it, in this case I do it with Euros and with a debit or credit card.

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Once the bnb are bought, we go to our Binance wallet and we hit SPOT and we go down until we see BNB and we hit “Withdraw” or “Withdraw”.

n on the next page that will come out, we have to paste our metamask address and put the BSC network and we would already have the BNB in ​​our metamask portfolio.


First of all we will go to this link: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x35e446a313369f2cca5592e62db9edbb23233dd2

When we get to pancake swap we have to connect our metamask portfolio with the binance smart chain network and then put the JIGSAW Token token at the bottom in case we do not get the option to add token, if we get it we add the token and voila.

Once the token is added, we simply have to put the amount of bnb that we want to exchange for JIGSAW Token and voila, it would be bought and in our metamask portfolio.

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And voila, we would have our JIGSAW Token in our Metamask portfolio.


In this url they have the direct price: https://poocoin.app/tokens/0x35e446a313369f2cca5592e62db9edbb23233dd2


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