Cartesi Coin (CTSI) Token. What is it and how to buy?

In this article we will talk about Cartesi Coin (CTSI) Token, a project of the ETH network, which these days is on the top of Coingecko of tokens with the most movements and in we are going to give you all the information about Cartesi and also We will explain how to buy CTSI Token.

As the DeFi revolution continues to grow and Ethereum becomes an increasingly important network, great attention has been paid to increasing scalability and lowering the fees of smart contracts used in such transactions.

An innovative development team running the Cartesi project seeks to improve smart contracts by solving the pressing issues of high transaction fees and the need for scalability on the Ethereum network.

It is achieving this by using a variant of optimistic roll-ups and, more importantly, it is revolutionizing the creation of smart contracts by allowing developers to code with more conventional software stacks instead of Solidity.

Create dApps on your preferred blockchain using Linux. via

Developers have been well aware for some time of the difficulty of creating dApps given the currently available blockchain technology. Cartesi is developing a solution that will make dApps run all their complex and expensive calculations off-chain, removing the prohibitive costs of blockchain and the other limitations imposed by blockchain technology.

In fact, the dApps created with Cartesi are a wire to run calculations that are millions of times more intensive than if they were running on a chain.

Cartesi is accomplishing this by offering a Linux runtime environment. This has made it the only verifiable software-based off-chain computing system. By using Linux, developers now have the option of using the wide selection of software that has been developed over the past 3 decades and that runs many of the Internet applications in use today.

Cartesi Features

re are a number of features that make Cartesi an attractive development environment. Below are three of the main features that recommend the use of Cartesi in dApp development:

  1. Real-world calculations meet blockchain – blockchain was not developed with intensive calculations in mind. se demanding types of calculations need a realistic platform. With Cartesi, external calculations can be run externally using a RISC-V processor under the Linux operating system. This allows developers to use all the tools, services, and libraries that have been developed for Linux over the last 30 years.

Cartesi is the intersection of blockchain and real world computing. via Blockfyre

  1. Portable across multiple blockchains – Cartesi nodes are unaware which blockchain uses it for calculations, making them capable of running calculations for any blockchain. This removes the details from the blockchain, allowing the calculations to be isolated. In turn, this makes them portable, while providing immutability and security, and allowing the deployment of a payment system.
  2. Guaranteed consensus: calculations that run off the blockchain can easily be verified by any party involved. When disputes arise, Cartesi sorts them automatically. This also keeps any necessary computations within the blockchain to a minimum.

Cartesi scalability solution

With Cartesi, dApps are able to run any calculation without worrying about transaction fees and other blockchain limitations. Furthermore, all calculations performed within the Cartesi node are reproducible and verifiable. This maintains the necessary decentralization for the blockchain, as well as the blockchain’s security guarantees. Local consensus is achieved within the node, and any disputes are passed to the main chain for resolution.

Cartesi offers scalability across nodes and sidechains. via Blockfyre.

This makes Cartesi an off-chain scalability solution. Scalability has been a key issue for blockchains in their current evolution, as lack of scalability has been a limiting factor in large-scale adoption of dApps. With the obvious need for scalability at the infrastructure layer, there are quite a few public blockchains that have focused their development efforts on solutions to the scalability problem.

Currently, these projects are working mainly on two types of solutions for the scalability problem: Layer-1 solutions and Layer-2 solutions.

In Layer-1 solutions, blockchain scalability is improved by implementing changes to the underlying mechanisms. Some examples of this are projects that are implementing fragmentation solutions or those looking for ways to improve the consensus mechanism.

Layer 2 solutions are different because they seek to solve blockchain scalability issues off-chain. In this way it is possible to call any of the projects focused on side chains, Plasma solutions and state channels peers of Cartesi. This makes the competition in this solution quite fierce, but no ideal technical solution has been proposed or launched on the market in early 2021.

Layer-2 technology offers scalability off the blockchain. via

Cartesi hopes to be the first in its unique method of improving scalability. That involves performing complex calculations off-chain to create a reliable node environment, and then resolving any disputes by providing incentives to verify the results of the calculations.

Local consensus outside the Cartesi node chain

One of the problems with blockchains is that they run very slowly compared to other software solutions. This lack of speed is because blockchain requires many computers to reach consensus. A global consensus like this is very time consuming and also quite expensive. And of course this also complicates the scalability problem.

However, any decentralized application does not need to reach a global consensus, it only needs to reach a local consensus in most cases. This allows a solution like Cartesi to separate vital on-chain processes from the less important process and run them in the Cartesi virtual machine. By using local consensus wherever possible, which is most calculations, Cartesi can reduce the cost of dApps while increasing speed.

Cartesi splits the calculation and uses off-chain consensus when possible. via Blockfyre.

And the Cartesi VM is not exclusive. It is complementary to Ethereum 2.0 and other level 2 scaling solutions. se include sidechains, ZK tests, status channels, and plasma. All of these other Layer-2 solutions can specify “full Cartesi calculations within your transactions.”

Decentralized Cartesi Games

So far two approaches have been taken with decentralized games. first solution uses the blockchain to interact with the NFTs. second uses fully decentralized game logic to offer a provably fair game solution. This second type is preferred for situations like tournaments, as it avoids any cheating.

With a decentralized logic game, it is not necessary to use a central authority to verify scores. Even better, this type of game is open source by nature, allowing other developers to create forks of the game. Furthermore, they can even be governed in the same way as a DAO.

Creepts is the first fully decentralized tower defense app. via

One fun way Cartesi is demonstrating this technology is through a tower defense game that has been created called Creepts . It is the first fully decentralized tower defense dApp, and by using decentralized logic, the outcome of the game is provably fair.

And because Creepts is built on a decentralized Linux platform, it can use extremely heavy computational loads, which simply wouldn’t be possible if the game were to chain-run. Because the game runs on a Layer-2 solution, it is inexpensive and fast. While this and other dApps are in the gaming and betting space, there are plenty of other use cases for Cartesi. se include markets for artificial intelligence, logistics, and DeFi.

Cartesi Core

We’ve talked a lot about the off-chain side of Cartesi and how it can improve speed and cost, but Cartesi uses a hybrid on / off-chain approach. Most of the computational work is done off-chain, yet vital tasks like payments remain off-chain. complete system is made up of three main main components: Cartesi Nodes, Cartesi Machines, and Cartesi Data Ledger.

What is a Cartesi node?

Cartesi nodes are where all the off-chain components and calculations of an application are located. Nodes are made up of hardware and software. To run any application on Cartesi, users must interact with the nodes. Inside each node is a Cartesi machine, which is a type of virtual machine that runs distributed Linux. All decentralized application logic runs and replicates on the VM.

What is a Cartesi machine?

As mentioned above, Cartesi Machine is a virtual machine contained within the Cartesi Node and running a decentralized version of Linux. All the calculations handled by the Cartesi machine are reproducible and verifiable. core of the Cartesi machine is able to determine which calculations should be reproducible and which should not, and divides them accordingly. By dividing the calculations in this way, the Cartesi machine can align the speed and storage capacity of the system with other cararn systems.

data ledger

While Layer 2 projects solve cost and speed issues, they have a data availability issue that occurs if one of the parties goes offline in the middle of a transaction. Cartesi solves this problem by adding a Proof of Stake sidechain they have called Data Ledger. This sidechain of the data ledger is used for a number of things, including “short-term storage, garbage collection, fragmentation, emulated off-chain calculations, and localized consensus.”

Cartesi potential use cases

As we’ve already seen, Cartesi can run Linux, complete massive amounts of computation, and create scalable dApps. While its most visible current use is the creation of the tower defense game Creepts, Cartesi has uses that extend far beyond gaming. It can be used to improve the performance of any type of application, extending its usefulness to any niche, including:

Cartesi is good for much more than games. via

  • Decentralized Finance (DeFi)
  • Logistics
  • Outsourcing
  • Markets
  • Investigate

In addition to the tower defense game, Cartesi has also released two products specifically for the developer community: Descartes and Noether.


Descartes is an SDK that allows developers to code their smart contracts using Linux instead of Solidity. This makes it easier for developers who are unfamiliar with Solidity, but who may have been using Linux for years, if not decades. Building and deploying applications using a familiar programming language can significantly reduce development time.

Descartes SDK allows developers to use Linux to create smart contracts. via

Descartes can make dApp logic actionable in an off-chain operating system that can significantly reduce smart contract costs.


Noether is the other developer product created by Cartesi. Noether is a sidechain that has been developed for short-term data storage, specifically for Cartesi dApps that are meant to run on Ethereum. Noether is useful because a lot of the data that is used when interacting with an application only needs temporary storage.

With Noether, developers will have access to affordable storage with high performance on demand. It is Noether who will convince developers to implement dApps using Cartesi, knowing that they will not be affected by rising storage costs or transaction bottlenecks.

CTSI Mining Reserve and Proof of Stake

Cartesi team spent the fourth quarter of 2020 working feverishly to deliver CTSI Reserve Mining and the Proof of Stake system. Shortly before the end of the year, on December 27, 2020, the CTSI Reserve Mining and Proof of Stake system went live on the Cartesi mainnet. Cartesi also provided a detailed guide on how to stake out and run a node if you are interested. In short, the system provides:

Mining reserve possible thanks to the Noether side chain. via

  • Miners get a reward of 2900 CTSI per claimed block. On average, each block is created every 30 minutes.
  • User funds are safe as long as they remain in the participation contract, duly audited by SlowMist.
  • No outages or risks to the principal due to node malfunction or unavailability.
  • rewards are distributed directly to the user’s wallet, eliminating additional ETH transaction fees.

CTSI Reserve Mining was implemented as a means to start Noether’s sidechain and provide users with a highly optimized data availability oracle for temporary storage. This will become a very important part of Cartesi’s planned scalability scale.

Once completed, Cartesi’s planned final phase of participation will be the innovative participation auction system that is being planned. This system will bring a series of benefits for stakeholders, such as being able to define their opportunity costs and stake rewards in advance.

Catesi is still on her way with her latest roadmap. via .

Here is the planned timeline for the full participation system:

  • December 2020 – Proof of Stake Mainnet Launch
  • 2021 Q1: Delegation system
  • 2021: Noether, Cartesi’s Optimized Data Availability Oracle
  • 2022: Innovative macroeconomic system with participation auctions

Cartesi team has a very detailed description of the full CTSI macroeconomics , but the short version is as follows:

Cartesi Side Chain node operators can stake cartesi tokens by purchasing participation rights. se participation rights keep CTSI blocked until the end of a participation cycle, after which it pays the owner the blocked principal plus a reward in CTSI. Participation rights are acquired through regular Dutch auctions and give the owner the rights to perform rewarded mining tasks until their expiration date.

Cartesi team

Cartesi project was started in 2018 by four co-founders: Erick de Moura, Augusto Teixeira, Diego Nehab and Colin Steil. All four were originally interested in blockchain because Augusto Teixeira was friends with IOTA founder Serguei Popov. Once Cartesi was started, Popov became one of the first investors and advisers on the project.

initial idea put forward by Augusto was to create a trustless AI market for data scientists. However, once the project was underway, the team realized they were expanding the scope and Cartesi evolved towards a Linux-based Layer-2 solution to the computation and scalability issues of blockchain dApps.

four founding members of Cartesi. via Cartesi Litepaper.

Now the CEO of Cartesi is Erick de Moura , a serial entrepreneur and technical leader with more than 20 years in the software industry. After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering, he went on to hold various software design and development positions for two decades.

  • Augusto Teizeira , who had the initial idea for Cartesi, is still its scientific director. He is also a professor at the Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IMPA) in Rio de Janiero, Brazil. Augusto has a PhD in Mathematics from ETH Zurich and has developed his career in academia.
  • Diego Nehab remains with Cartesi as its Technical Director and also works as a researcher at IMPA. He has a Ph.D. in Computer Graphics from Princeton University and early in his career worked as a researcher at Microsoft.
  • Colin Steil is Cartesi’s COO. He graduated from the University of Alberta with a degree in International Business and Finance and has held various positions at venture capital firms with a view to helping technical startups.

CTSI token

Cartesi blockchain achieves consensus through proof of stake and is maintained by a network of node operators. In this scenario, the native token of the blockchain is a crucial unsurt for the system to work. CTSI token provides all of the following:

CTSI token provides many benefits to the system. via Cartesi Litepaper.

  • Stake – Since block generators will be selected in proportion to their stakes in the economy, there must be a way to query and lock in the balance of everyone in the system.
  • Choice of block producers : miners will be selected to propose blocks in proportion to their token balance, so that the network is run by a pulverized community of stakeholders.
  • Cut : Bad behavior is discouraged by blocking and potentially cutting the chips of dishonest actors.
  • Transaction Fees : Although the sidechain is much cheaper than the underlying mainchain, DApp users or developers still have to pay for their transactions to be processed, transmitted, and temporarily stored by others. se fees will be paid to the node operators with the CTSIToken.
  • Challenge calculations : CTSI token will also be important to challenge the results of the calculations published on the blockchain. This will work as an exit mechanism that ensures correct execution of DApps and discourages bad behavior.

CTSI token has a total supply of 1 billion tokens and a circulating supply of 215 million tokens currently. team has made several private sales in the past, raising a total of $ 800,000 through those private sales. In April 2020 there was an ICO where 100 million CTSI tokens were sold for $ 0.015 each, raising an additional $ 1.5 million for the Cartesi team.

CTSI token was listed and began trading right after the ICO on April 24, 2020. It opened more than 200% above the ICO price, trading above $ 0.05 for the first few days. It quickly fell below $ 0.03 in weeks, but then rallied and on August 18, 2020, it hit an all-time high of $ 0.1298. It has not fallen below $ 0.03 since then and, as of February 2021, it is trading at $ 0.06770.

CTSI price has been volatile, but strong overall. via

Most of the trading volume on the token can be found on Binance, although there is a decent amount of volume on Bilaxy as well.


Given the heavy emphasis on scalability, and the fact that Ethereum 2.0 scaling will likely take years to achieve, Layer-2 scaling projects like Cartesi are in demand and very popular.

Cartesi seems to be able to fix Ethereum’s scaling problem and also makes life easier for most developers by allowing them to code dApps and smart contracts using Linux instead of Solidity.

Cartesi allows a much higher computational power, without loss of security. This will almost certainly drive the creation of next-generation dApps that can take advantage of increased computing power and much lower fees.

Because Cartesi works with a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism, demand for the CTSI token should increase as more dApps are added to the ecosystem. While it is true that one billion tokens is a great deal, most of them are being held for mining rewards and to support the foundation and future growth of the Cartesi project.

founders are very experienced and extremely capable people, and having the partnership with IOTA and its founder Serguei Popov can only help the project to forge connections with other blockchain projects.

As long as the team continues to deliver, there seems to be little to criticize with the project. It provides useful technology and a critical piece of the scalability puzzle. Through Cartesi, developers should be able to create much better dApps, which in turn should accelerate the adoption and growth of the entire ecosystem.

How to buy Cartesi Coin (CTSI) Token?

You can buy CTSI on all major cryptocurrency exchanges. exchange with the highest volume and lowest slippage is Binance. You can buy C98 using BTC, ETH, USDT, or BNB.

In our case for the tutorial we are going to buy it with USDT

STEP 1 To buy Cartesi Coin (CTSI) Token on Binance

  • Logically the first thing will be to enter Binance, if you are not registered do it here.

Once inside Binance, we have to buy USDT, we can do it with a credit or debit card in the “Buy Crypto” section.

STEP 2 To buy Cartesi Coin (CTSI) Token on Binance

  • Once with our USDT in Binance, we have to buy Cartesi Coin (CTSI) Token and for that we are going to go to “TRADE” to then choose “CLASSIC”.
  • Now once inside we go to the right side of the page and look for the CTSI Token and select the PAR “CTSI / USDT” and click on it.

STEP 3 To buy Cartesi Coin (CTSI) Token on Binance

  • Once inside the Classic Market and selecting the CTSI / USDT pair, we put the amount of USDT that we want to exchange for CTSI and we give it to buy.
  • And voila, we have our CTSI Token on Binance.

I hope you liked the article and if so, share it on social networks and with your friends.

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