Alien Worlds Beginner’s Guide

In this article we are going to talk about Alien Worlds another Blockchain game with which you can earn money and at we will give you a guide to the game for beginners, this is one of the best NFT games of 2021.

Alien Worlds has exploded in popularity in the weeks since the project was listed on Binance. As the authors of Metahub are passionate miners in Alien Worlds, we were hoping to create a single guide that could serve as a comprehensive guide to the unsurts and gameplay of Alien Worlds.

What is Alien

Alien Worlds is a free game where you take on the role of a space explorer, also known as a miner. Players are equipped with a set of three mining tools and can choose a planet to explore and extract Trillium (TLM).

In order to play Alien Worlds, you need to make a wallet . WAX is the world’s leading decentralized video game and entertainment network, focused on NFT. You can create a wallet by linking a Google, Facebook or account, or by creating a new WAX account.

After setting up your WAX Wallet, you will be prompted to give Alien World a set of permissions to use it and you are ready to start mining.

What is Trillium?

Trillium (TLM) is the crypto currency that you get by playing Alien Worlds. You get TLM through mining, and the amount you get is determined by the mining tools you have equipped, the land you are mining on, and the currently available mining pot on the planet you are playing on .

Trillium mining takes between 2-3 seconds and 2-3 minutes, depending on the tools and machine you are mining on. We published a great article titled What Really Happens When You Mine in Alien Worlds? which delves into the code that supports the Alien Worlds mining process.

What are NFTs in Alien Worlds?

While searching for TLM, the game will occasionally reward you with a special item: a tool, a minion, a weapon, maybe an avatar. se items are NFT (non-fungible tokens) and are more difficult to obtain than TLM.

You get TLM every time you mine, while the chance of obtaining an NFT is determined by a combination of the luck of your tool and the land you are mining on. We write more about that in our Definitive Guide to Alien World Tools .

Alien Worlds NFTs live on the blockchain and can be freely traded. Players use Atomic Hub Marketplace to trade NFTs, and this can be a viable way to earn money playing Alien Worlds .

What are the planets in Alien Worlds?

Planets are the first thing you will see when you start the game, and they have two main metrics that you should know:

  • Mining Pot , which determines how much TLM you will get from mining. Higher is better.
  • Fill rate , which is the rate at which the planet’s TLM is replenished. Higher is better.

If you’re just getting started, it honestly doesn’t matter which planet you choose. A popular pick among gamers is Neri, but many players simply choose the one that looks the most attractive to them.

If you are concerned that you are not generating as much TLM as you could, choose the planet with a good balance between Mining Pot and Fill Rate.

TLM stakeout

You can bet TLM on a planet. This will increase the total available mining pot on the planet. more players you mine on a particular planet, the smaller the mining jackpot will be, so betting is essential to keep the economy floating. When betting, it is best to join a group of people betting on a particular planet, because the ratio of jackpot bet and miner is approximately 1,000,000 to 1. Betting in groups is beneficial for everyone.

Lands on alien worlds

Each planet in Alien Worlds is made up of Earths. Lands are the core of your mining process , as each land has three key statistics:

  • Chance to win an NFT,
  • Amount of TLM you will get for mining,
  • and a load time multiplier.

When mining, these stats are combined with your Tools to determine the final Luck Amounts, TLM, and Charge Duration you get. re are many different types of lands, and we suggest you check out the Alien Worlds Land List for a full description.

Our complete guide to Alien Worlds Lands has a great breakdown of the best Lands to farm TLM and NFT.

lands also have commissions . commission determines how much money the land owner gets from everyone who digs the land, so you’ll want to look for land with lower fees .

Lands also have rarities, with their stats determined. rarer the land, the more likely all states are higher. downside is that they also have higher load times, which means you’ll have to wait longer before you can mine again. rarities go in this order:

  • Common (gray)
  • Rare (blue)
  • Epic (purple)
  • Legendary (yellow)

Tools in Alien Worlds

Tools are what you use to mine in Alien Worlds and they have four stats associated with them:

  • Mining power,
  • NFT possibility,
  • Loading time,
  • and POW.

You want tools with high mining power, high NFT probability, and low cooldown time. POW stands for proof of work and makes it easy for your machine to go through the mining process. POW is not something to worry about as they don’t get high until late in the game.

As in Lands , all the tools have rarities and are classified as follows:

  • Abundant (light gray)
  • Common (gray)
  • Rare (blue)
  • Epic (purple)
  • Legendary (yellow)
  • Mythical (red)

re are only a few mythical tools out there, and anything from Rare onwards is quite a lucrative sale on the Atomic Hub. If you’re lucky enough to get one, say hi to the greats!


As we already shared, mining is the key unsurt of the game in Alien Worlds. re are two phases of mining:

  1. Mining and
  2. Waiting for your tools to recharge

To mine, press the Mine button and follow the process. game will reward you with TLM and a timer will be displayed in the upper right corner of the user interface. You cannot mine before time runs out.

How long you have to wait to mine depends on your tools and soil getting cold, while the time you spend mining depends on luck and your physical computer.

amount of TLM you mine depends on your tools and terrain , as does your NFT and POW probability. This image summarizes the formulas used to calculate the totals, and you can use our Alien Worlds Mine Construction Analyzer to get exact numbers for your construction:


Shining is a system in which you can increase the visual appeal and stats of an NFT. Bright levels look like this:

  • Stone (gray)
  • Gold (gold)
  • Stardust (small specks)
  • Antimatter (holographic).

All cards start at the stone level glow. Brightening your NFTs requires a large amount of Trillium, depending on the rarity of the card and the current brightness level. Bright NFTs have better resale values, but it takes a handful of TLMs to shine. exact cost can be found here:

re are some rules to shine:

  • Shine requires 4 of the same NFT
  • Shining also requires Trilium
  • After shining, your previous 4 NFTs burn out and instead you have a new NFT of the highest level of brightness, but the same level of rarity.
  • Your new NFT will have a new mint number based on how many of the newly sparkled items have been created
  • You have to shine step by step through the brightness levels. You can only create an antimatter NFT by shining 4 stardust, for example
  • NFTs glowed to gold, dust and antimatter will become increasingly rare
  • You can’t make the earth shine

Why would you want a brilliant NFT?

In general, bright NFTs will have better game stats. y will also be much, much rarer, so you may prefer to have them for your own collector’s pleasure. We will reveal the benefits of statistics in due course.


Avatars are cosmetic items. When starting the game, you can choose between a male and a female avatar. This choice is purely cosmetic and does not affect gameplay. You can mine NFT to get new avatars, but as of now, avatars have no impact on the game and just look great.

Weapons, artifacts, and minions

While you can earn NFTs for all three categories, they have yet to be implemented in the game. weapons, artifacts, and minions will all be used in an upcoming PvP game feature called Thunder Dome (Mad Max reference, hooray!) , But as of now they have no use at all.


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